Frequently Asked Questions

“Camp is everything to me! It’s my home. My place to be free. To be myself. No one talks about the things that are different about you or that you look weird. CHT loves you for WHO YOU ARE!”

Camp Holiday Trails (CHT) is a year-round Camp for children and teens with medical needs and their siblings. Campers are ages 7 to 17 years old with a qualifying diagnosis and are socially, mentally and emotionally able to participate in group activities. Campers are provided the opportunity to grow in independence, challenge themselves, build relationships and have fun with other kids like themselves.

 A typical day at Camp starts at flagpole, where Campers gather to sing and dance, along with any updates for the day. After breakfast, Campers go to two activities (nature, arts and craft, challenge course, horses, etc.). After lunch, Campers learn that “rest hour is the best hour.” After recharging and cooling down, Campers have about 90 minutes at the pool. Every evening we have a WOW (Working on Wellness) Hour and different evening activities (African drumming, talent show, game night, etc.). Lights out is at 9pm or 10pm, depending on the age of the camper.

CHT works hard year-round to fundraise in an effort to keep camp fees affordable for our Camp Families. The cost to send 1 camper to Camp for 1 week comes to $2,000. Please see the weekly breakdown below to see where your funds are going to support your Camper: 

2 inspiring, creative and silly counselors per cabin $650

24/7 Medical Team to support your campers’ individual needs $650

Medical supplies and equipment $175

Pool and Waterfront Joy $175

Endless friendship bracelets, bird binoculars and the $150

opportunity to be Spiderman

Learning how to care for their physical, emotional, mental $100

and social wellbeing in unique ways! 

Tie Dye galore $100  

Total Camp Magic per Camper = $2,000 per week       

To further discuss payment plans or to determine if you are eligible for our multiple camperships, please contact Director of Programs, Caitlin Carroll, MSW at Full payment is due 2 weeks prior to your child arriving at Camp.

 Once you have applied for Camp and our staff have reviewed your application you will receive a confirmation email, tentatively enrolling your child in their requested session. At this time you will receive additional guidance on how to provide the required and necessary medical documentation to CHT which will be reviewed by our Medical Director. Once all medical documentation has been reviewed our Director of Programs and Medical Director will review all materials to ensure your child is ready for Camp. We never want to turn a camper away, however we want to ensure that CHT is the best fit for them so that they have a great experience with us. If it is determined that CHT is not the best fit for your child we will happily refer you to other camps in the surrounding area.

Campers have the choice to choose from multiple activities while at Camp. We encourage Campers to take “safe risks” at CHT and to step outside of their comfort zone with the encouragement and support of staff and their peers. Campers have the opportunity to choose from the challenge course (climbing wall, high ropes course and zipline), archery/slingshot, horsemanship, arts & crafts, messy art (STEM based activities), waterfront (canoeing & kayaking), fishing, nature, music and athletics.  In addition to daily activities, Campers will also participate in a camp-wide evening activity.

Currently, CHT does not have shuttles to/from Camp, however we can pick up from Cville Airport, Cville Greyhound and Cville Amtrak.  For extreme travel hardship, contact us to see if we can work with other families to get your child to Camp.

Our goal at CHT is to ensure that your child has an amazing camp experience while with us for 1-2 weeks this summer. One of the ways we do this is by ensuring we can meet their medical needs while away from home. By obtaining their medical history and a treating medical provider’s approval we are better prepared to help your child be successful.

Yes! However, a sibling must attend the same session as their qualifying sibling(s) and are only eligible to attend up until their sibling ages-out of Camp.

CHT has 11 buildings used to house campers; 10 of our rustic, yet cozy cabins sleep up to 6 Campers along with 2 counselors; totalling 8 people max. per Cabins 1-5. Our Blazer Cabin can sleep up to 28 individuals which includes at least 4 counselors. All cabins have a handicap accessible bathroom, air conditioning, electricity and twin bunk beds. Cabin assignments are based on age and campers’ identifying gender. 

A packing list will be sent out with your Welcome Packet, which is also located here

CHT does have a washer and dryer on-site for extenuating circumstances, however we do encourage families to pack their camper at least 1 set of clothes per day that they will be away at Camp.

 Will I be able to call or contact my Camper while they are at Camp? 

Our desire is that Campers are out exploring trails, growing in friendship and having fun while at CHT.  For that reason, Campers are not able to make or receive phone calls while at Camp, nor are visitors allowed from family. Often phone calls can trigger or exacerbate homesickness and ultimately negatively impact the Camp experience or any progress your Camper may be making while with us. We strive to help Campers grow in independence with not only their medical needs, but also in other personal ways. 

If there is an emergency the CHT Camp Staff and our Medical Team (aka Med Team) are always available to speak. You may contact us by calling the Camp office at 434-977-3781. As the motto goes, no news is good news! 

Additionally, we do encourage family and friends to send Campers letters throughout their time at Camp; and in turn we encourage Campers to write home about their awesome experiences. See “Can Campers receive mail while at Camp?” below.

Letters are a great way to communicate with your camper while they are away from home. We encourage families to focus on asking about what their Camper is doing at Camp rather than focusing on the things they may be missing out on while away. You may also send care packages with stickers, comic books or stationary- please DO NOT send any food or candy for the safety and wellbeing of everyone at Camp. 

Letters can be mailed to:

Camp Holiday Trails 


400 Holiday Trails Lane

Charlottesville, VA, 22903

Campers can receive letters while at CHT via E-mail or USPS. All emailed letters can be sent to All emails must be received by 12pm EST Monday-Thursday in order to be delivered that day. Any emails received after 12pm EST will be delivered the next day. No mail will be delivered Friday-Sunday of any session. When sending any letters (email or USPS), please be sure to include your camper’s first AND last name. If you wish for your child to write home while they are at Camp, we strongly encourage sending pre-addressed envelopes to help encourage this task.

We desire that Campers are connecting face to face rather than face to screen. CHT is an “unplugged” community, meaning that no electronics (cell phone, Ipad, Ipod, tablet, etc.) are allowed while at Camp. We request that parent/guardian(s) ensure that their Camper does not bring these items to Camp. If an electronic device is found a staff member will provide the device to the Leadership team to be stored in our office until Closing Day. For campers who use their cell phones for medical reasons, please contact our Director of Programs to discuss options while at Camp. 

Missing home is normal for many Campers, even if they have been to Camp in the past. We will gladly give you a call if we have concerns or need to speak with you regarding your camper’s needs.

Prior to Campers’ arrival all CHT Staff spend 1 full week at Camp to learn all about CHT’s Camp Magic. During this time staff will build community, learn how to facilitate positive behaviors, teach friendship making skills, along with receiving first aid and CPR training, training in specialized activities such as Challenge Course and Archery and much more. Additionally, this is a time for new staff members to learn CHT songs, the Camp schedule, prepare activities and the overall flow of Camp. All medical care is completed by our Med Team which is composed of trained medical professionals.

Our Medical Director, Dr. Ina Stephens oversees CHT’s medical programs. Additionally, each session of Camp is supervised by a Medical Lead- this individual is usually an MD who provides guidance to 4th year Med Students, Nurses and EMTs. CHT also employs an RN for the entire summer who works closely with all providers. Another vital team member of the Med Team is our Medical Liaison (a former camp counselor) – who has a strong understanding of medical terminology and medical needs but also how our Camp program team runs. The Med Liaison keeps the Med Team and counselors on track and informed of Camper’s needs throughout each session.

Campers do not currently travel off of Camp for any activities; however our Blazers (select Campers ages 15-17 yrs old) may travel off site for a volunteer activity or special Blazer activity. If this is occurring you will know ahead of time.

With consultation from our Medical Director, Dr. Ina Stephens and CHT’s Medical Advisory Committee (MAC), we have decided to update our COVID protocols.  CHT will no longer require campers, staff or volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID.  We will continue to monitor COVID and community health issues within our region and impact on medically complex children. We strongly recommend families to speak with their health care providers about vaccinating their child against COVID and any other recommended pediatric immunizations. 

Our commitment to providing a healthy and enjoyable camp experience remains unwavering. Please rest assured that we will continue to implement rigorous health and safety measures- including enhanced cleaning protocols, monitoring symptomatic individuals and requiring all campers, staff and volunteers to complete a rapid COVID test during check-in on Opening Day. Our Med Team and year-round staff are well trained to monitor and respond to any potential health concerns and we will remain vigilant in our efforts to create a healthy and secure environment for all.

 CHT encourages you to reach out to our Director of Programs, Caitlin Carroll, MSW at with any questions.

Campers are asked to bring their home medications to Camp in their original bottles. Please ensure you pack enough medications for your Camper’s entire length of session. During Check-in on Opening Day each family will have the opportunity to meet with our Med Team to review medications and fill pill boxes. Each Camper’s treatment plan and daily routine is followed as closely as possible to provide consistency while away at CHT.

Our Med Team does a fabulous job of delivering medications to Campers during meal time; additionally if a Camper has a scheduled treatment that is outside of meal time, we schedule these during down times – such as rest hour, so that Campers do not feel like they are missing out and we can maximize the fun during their camp experience!

If your Camper has any symptoms or is not feeling well they will go to Med Korner and be examined by one of our Med Team members. Minor medical problems such as a cut, headache, or stomach ache can be handled at Camp easily. If any incidents arise that cause our Med Team concern someone from our Med Team or Leadership Team will contact you to inform you of the incident and how your Camper is doing along with collaborating with you on next steps if necessary.

CHT is a nut free campus, meaning no meal, snack or any food product contains nuts. Additionally, we are very aware of food allergies and used to preparing meals to accommodate diverse dietary needs. However, if you have concerns we are open to discussing bringing your Camper’s own food which we will store in a secure location within our kitchen specifically for your Camper. Please contact our Director of Programs at with any questions regarding food allergies.

Pop Up Camps offer the opportunity for anyone to bring the therapeutic benefits of Camp to their community, all year round. These mini-camps and events, organized by Camp Holiday Trails (CHT), provide participants with a sense of belonging in their community, enhance communication skills within teams, promote mindfulness and being present in the moment, and foster increased independence and confidence.


Our dedicated staff load up our Camp van with all the essentials needed for a Camp experience, and we take Camp on the road, setting up these events in various public locations, doctors’ offices, or any venue reserved by our partner organizations.


This innovative program has enabled CHT to extend its reach beyond the Charlottesville area, ensuring that we stay connected with our families even during the pandemic. To learn more about Pop Up Camps or to schedule an event, please reach out to CHT’s Camp Director, Taryn Mouhot, at



We want your camper to be successful at CHT and to have an experience with us that makes them want to come back year after year. If you have any additional questions please reach out to our Director of Programs, Caitlin Carroll, MSW at (434)282-7213 or


Contact Camp Holiday Trails

Camp Holiday Trails
400 Holiday Trails Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Ph. 434.977.3781   |  Fax 866-342-7850

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