Summer Programming


Summer 2025 Camp Schedule

June 22nd-27th: Camp Corral– one week overnight programming for youth ages 8-15yrs old, whose caregiver is a fallen ill or wounded soldier.
June 30th- July 3rd: CHT Day Camp (NEW!!) – 4 day, day camp for youth ages 6-15 yrs old, mixed diagnoses and their siblings. A great introduction to CHT.
July 6th- 11th: Diabetes Week- One week, overnight programming for campers diagnosed with T1D and their siblings.
July 13th-18th: Camp Youngblood– One-week, overnight programming specifically for children and families impacted by Hemophilia.
July 20th- August 1st: 2 week mixed diagnoses session- Two- week, overnight camp, for youth ages 7-17 and their siblings impacted by a variety of diagnoses.
July 3rd-8th: 1 week mixed diagnoses session- One- week, overnight camp, for youth ages 7-17 and their siblings impacted by a variety of diagnoses.
Leafy Arrow

Who Attends Camp?

Camp Holiday Trails (CHT) is a year-round Camp for children and teens with medical needs and their siblings. Campers are ages 7 to 17 years old with a qualifying diagnosis and are socially, mentally and emotionally able to participate in group activities.


  • Various respiratory conditions
  • Autoimmune & HIV
  • Celiac
  • Cancer (active treatment & in remission)
  • Cardiac disorders
  • Cerebal Palsy
  • Diabetes (welcomed in all CHT sessions)
  • Epilepsy/ Seizure Disorders
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Neuromuscular Diagnosis
  • Juvenile Arthritis
  • Spina Bifida
  • Transplant patients
  • TBI

This list is not all-encompassing, please contact our Programs Team at to determine your child’s eligibility

Why CHT?

  • CHT offers 24/7 on-site Medical Care to meet your child’s individual needs.
  • In cabin counselors who are positive roles models, trained to meet the needs of campers (medically, socially, behaviorally and beyond). Along with facilitating Camp-wide activities for all. 
  • 90% of families reported their camper(s) gained self-confidence at CHT.
  • 70% of families reported an increase in medical independence.

Summer 2025 applications opening soon!

How much does CHT cost?

At CHT, we are dedicated to providing an engaging camp experience with our campers and families. For 50 years we have remained dedicated to maintaining the quality of our camp programs along with ensuring the safety and happiness of our campers. The current cost to send 1 camper to CHT for 1 week of overnight programming is $2,000. We offer payment plans and scholarships! 

Camp Holiday Trails (CHT) is committed to making our programs accessible to all families, along with remaining an inclusive and diverse Camp family. Our tuition fees are structured to accommodate various financial needs through our Campership options. Here is a current breakdown of our tuition fees and Camperships available to all families, no questions asked:

Campership Options: Camperships are financial assistance opportunities designed to help families afford Camp tuition. These Camperships cover a portion of the tuition fee, currently ranging from 20%-80% assistance. Camperships are available to all families, with no additional paperwork or application required. When a family begins a Camper application, they will have the choice of selecting a Campership which best suits their family’s individual needs. All Camperships are funded thanks to our generous donors and through grant programs. At Camp Holiday Trails we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to participate in an enriching, safe and memorable camp experience. Through our commitment to accessibility we strive to make this a reality for all families. If you are experiencing financial hardships and are unable to pay the 20% minimum Camp tuition please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Programs, Caitlin Carrol at to further discuss your Camper’s enrollment. 

Payment Plans: Camp Holiday Trails also offers payment plan options to all families. Once a family has completed their Camper’s application and selected a Campership (if applicable), our Director of Programs, Caitlin Carroll, will email you with your enrollment information- including your final tuition amount. At that time a family may request to enroll in a payment plan which will divide their Camper’s tuition cost up into smaller monthly payments. These monthly payments can be made from the time of enrollment until the month of their Camper’s session on the 2nd Friday of each month and are automatically charged to your card on file with Camp.

Standard Full Tuition Cost: The full tuition cost to attend Camp Holiday Trails is currently $2,000 for 1 full week. A 2-week session would total $4,000.

Please see the weekly breakdown below to see where your funds are going to support a Camper:  

2 inspiring, creative and silly counselors per cabin = $650

24/7 Medical Team to support your campers’ individual needs = $650

Medical supplies and equipment = $175

Pool and Waterfront Joy = $175

Friendship bracelets, bird binoculars, s’mores, glow sticks, tie dye = $150

WOW (Working on Wellness) including annual favorite African Drumming = $100

every camper gets a horse! … to ride = $100

endless memories and a wish boat to send off on closing night =  PRICELESS

Total Camp Magic per Camper =   $2,000 per week       

We are committed to making sure all eligible campers can come to Camp. CHT currently offers payment plans and campership options. Let us work with you!  We encourage families interested in a campership (scholarship) to please reach out to

CHT Traditions

Opening Campfire

On the first night of camp, CHT Counselors perform a unique skit to welcome Campers to CHT and give them a little inside view of Camp along with inviting Campers to join them in some favorite Camp songs.

Johnny Appleseed

“THE Earth’s been good to me, and so I thank the Earth…”  So begins the “Johnny Appleseed” song that is sung once the entire camp has filed into the dining hall before meals.

Flag Pole

Before every meal, Camp meets at our flagpole for announcements and camp songs.  Before breakfast, one cabin raises the flag and provides a “thought of the day”. At lunch, we are often sharing all of our “firsts” at Camp and pie-ing counselors. And finally, before dinner, a cabin will lower our flag, provide a “reflection of the day” and find out more about evening programming. 


Tidy Bowl

We love healthy competition at Camp! Tidy Bowl is the long-standing daily competition for the cleanest cabin. Blazers act as the judges assessing cabins in a number of categories including the best made beds, the tidiest porch, and the greatest effort shown in cleaning. The winner is then awarded the coveted Golden Plunger for the day. 

Evening Programs

Evening programs are times for the entire camp to come together to participate in a larger event that closes the camp day.  Some of the events that have become a part of the CHT lexicon include Halloween on the Hill, Dutch Auction, Casino Night, the talent show, and—everyone’s favorite—camp dances.

Book of Firsts1
Book of Firsts

Camp is all about trying new things in a safe environment. At CHT we love to celebrate these “firsts” throughout Camp and ask Campers, staff, Med Team and our volunteers to record their firsts in our “Book of Firsts” for us to look back on throughout the summer and year-round. 


 A long-standing tradition that is loved by so many- our Wish Boat ceremony occurs during the Closing Campfire. Each cabin decorates a wooden boat on the last night of Camp, whispers their wish into the boat which is then set out on to our Pond where the true magic occurs!

Closing Campfire

Held on the last night of each camp session, the Closing Campfire provides a time for everyone to come together and reflect upon their Camp experience.  Every cabin launches a wish boat and selects a song which they lead together; along with all of Camp singing some extra special songs specifically for closing out the summer session..  Closing Campfire is then followed by our loved Dance where we continue the celebrations in the Dining Hall. 

Daily Activities

Arts & Crafts
Challenge Course
Field Sports
Messy Art

Contact Camp Holiday Trails

Camp Holiday Trails
400 Holiday Trails Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Ph. 434.977.3781   |  Fax 866-342-7850

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