CHT Everywhere: Online

Hey there CHT Family!

Our 2021 online programming has officially started!

There are fun activities added every single week for you to enjoy on your schedule. These include DIYs, educational sessions, and more! Plus once we have a few more folks registered, we’ll also be offering our Live Zoom Sessions.

You can have access to all of our exclusive content AND our Camp-in-a-Box when you register here for only $25.

This Week, it’s Tourist Week, featuring:

DIY Floral Crafts

Cooking with Lillie

Passport Arts and Crafts

Traveling Trivia

Sunset Relaxation

Grab your fanny pack and travel with us from your home! Registration is open at any time. 

Next Week: Decades Week

Contact Camp Holiday Trails

Camp Holiday Trails
400 Holiday Trails Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Ph. 434.977.3781   |  Fax 866-342-7850

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